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You Are Worth More... Body Image

When I got asked to model for this photographer I was excited and stressed. Excited because it feels awesome to be wanted by someone else. You always feel honored when someone wants to use you in a project they're working on (whether it's modelling or not). But stressed because well, I'm human. I'm on Instagram. I see the same things you do. Women with perfect bodies. And even in the plus size movement, it's still pretty much curvy models with perfect hour glass shapes and only one chin. It can be difficult to know where you fit in. Whether you should be ashamed of your body or celebrate it.

Health is an important thing. Accepting your body as is and understanding its power doesn't give you permission to be on a donut only diet. It doesn't mean you get to be glutinous or completely lazy. Someone may look at me and physically see that I've gotten "thicker" in the last few years. But they don't know the power this body has. What it's capable of. Or the stress/trauma that it's endured and is overcoming. This body is strong and this body is beautiful. Don't let the media tell you need to look a certain way to feel worthy. Don't let marketing convince you that you need to get ready for your bikini body. Whether you have abs, a soft tummy, big bum, flat bum, saggy arms or thin thighs - you're beautiful.

Thin isn't more beautiful than plus. Plus isn't more beautiful or more real than thin.

Stop body shaming completely.

Start owning and loving what you have.

It's a body.

Your heart and the image God created you in are where your true beauty lies anyway. So sharing this blog/website with you because despite my own insecurities, I'm feelin' myself.

You will get to know me and where I came from and all that I've been through and not one second did I ever think that someone would give me the encouragement, self-confidence and empowerment to being a model. I will thank one man in particular, Jim Strainer, Professional Photographer who took me under his wings and believed in my and gave me a chance. Well the rest is history... I have been asked by several other photographers to do shoots and have gotten to know some pretty special models and photographers that I now call my friends and they will be friends for a lifetime. It's been a great experience and my main goal is to inspire others by my photographs, whether it's making someone else recognize that there is beauty inside all of us or seeing the dark side of a person's life and know that domestic abuse is real and it's on the rise sadly. So if I can help women that are in abusive relationships from my story then it was well worth the aches and pains that I have struggled with for 10+ years. My Prayer is that it will help somebody... Only you know when you are sick and tried of being sick and tried… It was not easy, but anything you want in life, bad enough won’t be easy… This is the journey taken of me and the end of a dark life and the beginning of a new. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope that you will follow my journey.

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